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Hey, I’m Lipika! 👋🏽

I’m a product designer at Atlassian and a design grad from IIT Guwahati. A native Mumbaikar, I’ve grown up surrounded by the arts in all forms. My childhood and my experiences at college have taught me that anything is possible with the right approach.

I have a keen eye for systems thinking, social innovation and designing for happiness. I’m interested in improving the connection between research and execution. I bring a multidisciplinary approach to my work and tackle each project with the same dedication, be it personal, academic or for an organisation. When working with teams, my secret ingredients are humour, constant communication and tons of to-do lists.

This portfolio is out of date. Get in touch with me on Linkedin for a chat or a cup of coffee! ☕️

A gist of my life on campus

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-29 at 10.02.21.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-09-07 at 11.28.25.jpeg